firearm care


EDCi provides benefits not offered by any other product on the market. When talking about preventative maintenance on firearms, the subject of whether or not to oil the bore is often brought up. You want to prevent corrosion inside of the barrel, however all experts will tell you that prior to shooting, you should run a clean patch through the bore to remove the leftover oil. That's because even the slightest film left inside the bore can cause fouling, and an excessive amount can increase pressures and cause failure. While the latter is a rare case, the former is all too common.


Shoot for Precision

And those who shoot for precision worry about the slightest change in bore tolerances which can cause the gun to be less accurate. With EDCi you are preventing any type of corrosion and are left with a totally dry, clean bore with no film or buildup, and nothing leftover to collect dust.



What if you have Cerakote or other finishes that completely cover the metal? Well, your sights aren't coated and will rust quickly if not cared for, especially if you're carrying the gun regularly. EDCi will prevent that unsightly layer of rust from ever forming.